(English version)
Marc Scholten is Associate Professor with Habilitation at Universidade Europeia. He received his PhD in Economic Psychology from Tilburg University (the Netherlands), and his Habilitation in Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). He investigates human decision making, with a specialization in intertemporal choice, risky choice, and consumer behavior. He brings psychological insights to bear on the formal modeling of choice behavior, thus situating his research in the broader field of Behavioral Economics. A common thread through many (but certainly not all) publications is the view that decision making is best understood as an attribute-wise comparison process, thus challenging the standard view (in finance, economics, marketing, and psychology) that choice results from an alternative-wise valuation process. A general conclusion from his investigations is that the attribute-based view drastically simplifies reduces complexity of formal models of decision making, enhances their scope, and improves their descriptive adequacy, predictive accuracy, and generalizability. Journals featuring his research include the top-ranking journals Psychological Review, Management Science, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and the Journal of Business Research, amidst other high-ranking journals such as Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Making, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, and Cognitive Science. He has been Associate Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Economic Psychology, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Decision, and invited reviewer for many top- and high-ranking journals. He has also been Principal Investigator or Collaborator in a string of nationally and internationally financed research projects.