IADE, uma experiência única

  • Início
  • IADE, uma experiência única

O IADE proporciona aos seus estudantes uma experiência internacional única, preparando-os para atuar em qualquer parte do mundo!

Estudantes Internacionais
Parcerias de mobilidade internacional

Planos de estudo assentes nas melhores práticas pedagógicas e conteúdos programáticos internacionais

  • Programas de mobilidade exclusivos
  • Programas lecionados 100% em língua inglesa
  • Docentes e convidados internacionais
  • Desenvolvimento de projetos colaborativos a nível internacional
  • Participação em concursos internacionais
  • Organização de uma International Week anual com mais de 50 convidados (docentes e representantes de Gabinetes de Relações Internacionais) de Universidades de todo o mundo
  • Acesso as escolas de excelência e com prestígio internacional.

Estudantes de mobilidade internacional

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Studying at Europeia has been an experience I will never forget, a positive university with very accepting outlook to internationals such as me. Studying at the Santos Campus at IADE, I have met friends for life as I joined in with the major events happening within the Lisbon area. Notable examples would be the Games for Good Jam, the monthly Game Dev Meet and the 4Gamers gaming convention which couldn’t have been done without University support and backing. With the sun, great food and excellent transport links I was able to take part in so many of these activities during my stay here and I feel that by doing so, I have really came out of my shell as I am not so used to such kindness! Joining the GAD students in their second semester, I learned skills in Maths and Physics, Game AI, Graphics, SDMs and fundamentally Communication Skills and working within groups for our 3D Project. I especially respected the implementation of the Communication Skills soft skill course was very important for me to learn techniques in body language and communication as my original posture wasn’t impressing anyone! If you honestly want a fast-pass into some of the wildest nightlife, superb events and excellent people, look no further than Portugal!
Henry Smith

Licenciatura em Informática - Quinta do Bom Nome

Inglaterra, Universidade parceira de origem: University of Worcester