Fábrica IADE

The Fábrica

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  • The Fábrica

Fábrica-IADE is the organisation which manages IADE’s special projects

These special projects are based on 3 lines of action:

Fábrica is the prime point of contact and sharing between students, teachers and partners, a common ground that links IADE to the market and society, and which has support units such as the Observatory, the Special Projects unit, the Study Lab, the Digital Lab, the 3D Lab, the Media Lab, the Print Lab and the Tech Lab.

The Fábrica-IADE’s mission is to leverage the reputation and the recognisability of the IADE brand, through projects where the entire community’s participation is key.

This unit, which produces value and knowledge, calls students and teachers work together across disciplines in curricular and extracurricular projects.


Avenida D. Carlos I, Nº4 1200 - 649 Lisboa Portugal

Phone: +351 213 939 600

Email: fabrica.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabrica.iade

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fabrica-iade

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabrica.iade/