Programas de Mobilidade

Mobility programmes

  • Mobility programmes

The IADE-UE encourages the entire community of students, teachers and staff to undertake a period of international mobility, considering this activity fundamental to its own internationalization and also for the personal and professional development of its students and staff.

In this sense, it offers more than 100 international partnerships with university institutions around the globe.

International mobility partnerships

Experiencing international mobility is key to the development of global professionals. The Universidade Europeia encourages the periods of mobility throughout students’ academic careers through an extensive network of international partnerships. The List of partnerships by field of study is updated every six months and can be consulted on the International Office page on the Student Portal.

Students will be able to study at prestigious international universities through different international mobility agreements

Incoming mobility

IADE-UE is proud to be able to affirm that it has a long tradition of exchange with several educational institutions, welcoming annually about half a hundred students from various countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and the United Kingdom, among many others.

The global programmes allow us to offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees taught entirely in English, which has allowed us to establish new partnerships for international cooperation around the world.

If you are interested in taking a semester or academic year at IADE-UE as an exchange student (Erasmus or other programme), the first step is to consult your University's International Relations Office to confirm if there is a partnership between the two institutions.

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Nomination and application deadlines

Duration of Mobility Programmes Nomination/Application Deadlines Application Deadline
One Academic Year Until 31 May During the month of June
1st Semester Until 31 May During the month of June
2nd Semester Until 30 October During the month of November

Educational offering

Lists of curricular units available for exchange students can be found in this catalogue.

Application process

The application for study mobility programmes at IADE-UE should only be made after the official appointment by your university. After this step is completed, you can complete the entire process online. We suggest that you prepare all the documentation in a timely manner so that you have everything ready when you submit the form. Only applications submitted within the deadline will be accepted.

  1. Go to the Application page
  2. Fill in the Application Form with your personal data, mobility semester, area of study and course units agreed with your course coordinator.
  3. Upload the documentation: Photo for the Student Card; Copy of Identification Document, Proof of Health Insurance, Transcript of Records/Academic history from the University of origin and the Learning Agreement signed by you and your coordinator. For some programmes a letter of motivation, CV and Portfolio may also be requested.
  4. Submit the application form.

Note that submitting your application does not guarantee you a place at IADE-UE. You should always wait for an email or acceptance letter.

Welcome Week

The International Relations Office of IADE-UE organizes the Welcome Week every six months, an initiative dedicated to integrating new incoming students, which usually takes place the week before the start of classes. Participation in this activity is highly recommended, as it offers new students the opportunity to:

Study Portuguese

The IADE-UE offers a Portuguese Language and Culture Course that at the end of the semester confers 3 ECTS. During the course you will have the opportunity to get the A1 level of Portuguese Language and make some cultural visits.


Fact Sheet

Check here the International Office contacts, estimated dates of the academic calendar and addresses of each campus. Click here.

Course Catalogue

Check here the academic offer available for exchange/erasmus at IADE in Santos Campus. Click here.

Mobilidade outgoing

Outgoing mobility

International mobility applications

Every year the International Office organizes a competition for all students wishing to undertake international mobility at one of the IADE-UE partner universities. During the competition, information sessions which cover the application process are organised and, whenever possible, students who have already taken part in mobility programmes are present to give their testimony.

This contest takes place in 2 phases:

  • 1st phase - February/March - applications for the 1st and 2nd semester of the following academic year
  • 2nd phase – September/October - applications for the 2nd semester of the current year (only the remaining vacancies of the first phase are available).

Detailed information about the competition as well as the list of partner institutions by field of study are updated every six months on the Office's page on the Student Portal.

Selection of candidates

Since each partner university has a limit number of vacancies, it is necessary to select candidates.

Acceptance Criteria:

a) Student’s grade average in relation to the average of the course;

b) Number of ECTS already completed in the course, divided by the total number of ECTS which can be carried out by the end of the semester prior to the moment of application (number of semesters x 30 ECTS).

Weighting factor = 55% (a) + 45% (b)


There is a limited number of Erasmus scholarships. Even if the student does not obtain a grant from the European Commission or other party, he/she can enjoy Erasmus student status. In this way you have all the advantages of the status, except not benefiting from a monetary scholarship.

The processing of the scholarships is carried out by the International Office. The selection criteria are the same as those that are used in the selection of destinations.

Credit recognition process

Upon returning, the student must submit a request for accreditation of the courses taken in international mobility by opening a specific form at the Secretary Online/Student Portal. You must attach a Study Recognition Proposal validated by the Course Coordinator and the Certificate issued by the Host University.